



Precedex仿單目前暫無稀釋後保存時間資料,不過若依照仿單泡製方式稀釋成4 mcg/mL,參考以下兩篇文獻,稀釋後室溫安定性應可達到48小時

Ref 1. Preslaski, Candice R., et al. “Stability of dexmedetomidine in polyvinyl chloride bags containing 0.9% sodium chloride injection.” American journal of health-system pharmacy 70.15 (2013): 1336-1341.

“ Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine hydrochloride 4, 8, 12, and 20 μg/mL stored in PVC bags at 23 ± 2 °C was stable for 48 hours, despite a slight decrease in solution pH seen with increasing dexmedetomidine concentrations. ”

Ref 2. Marquis, Kathleen, Benjamin Hohlfelder, and Paul M. Szumita. “Stability of Dexmedetomidine in 0.9% Sodium Chloride in Two Types of Intravenous Infusion Bags.” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding 21.5 (2017): 436-439.

“ Dexmedetomidine admixtures of 200 mcg/50 mL were stable in both polyvinyl chloride bags and non-polyvinyl chloride bags for 14 days under refrigeration and 48 hours at room temperature. ”


每1 amp 加 NS or D5W 48 mL,total稀釋成50mL/vial,給藥濃度為4 mcg/mL。


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