

Baktar常應用於Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP)、stenotrophomonas、burkholderia cepacia complex等感染治療。不過Bakar中含有sulfamethoxazole,屬於sulfa drug,倘若患者有G6PD缺乏症(蠶豆症),是否可以使用呢?

2018年發布的一篇回顧性研究[1],針對1000位G6PD缺乏症患者使用的藥物進行研究,co-trimoxazole在研究中被歸類於” least common cause of hemolysis “(0.4%)。該篇文章列舉其他發生溶血可能性較低的藥物包含:diclofenac sodium(2.4%)、ibuprofen(0.8%)、acetylsalicylic acid(0.4%)、nitrofurantion(0.2%),但這些藥物本身就不屬於sulfa drug。

此外,另一篇2010年的研究亦認為給予正常治療劑量之co-trimoxazole,毋須擔心溶血性貧血[2]。原文:Available evidence indicates that cotrimoxazole can be administrated in therapeutic dosages to G6PD-deficient patients without causing haemolytic anaemia。針對其他sulfa drug的使用建議如下圖。


UpToDate的建議與上述兩篇文章大致相同,原文:Sulfamethoxazole has been widely used, and cases of well-documented hemolysis in individuals with G6PD deficiency are uncommon. Clinical judgment should be used in deciding if it is safe for a specific individual; if it was used previously and found to be safe (eg, before the diagnosis was made) it may be reasonable to treat it as safe for that individual。

總結來說,baktar會有dose-related hemolysis的副作用,可能影響紅血球半衰期,但較容易發生於高劑量使用的情況(> 90mg/kg/day)。若無其他藥物可以替代(如:atovaquone),G6PD患者應能在監測溶血反應下(如:Bilirubin、Hb)使用Baktar進行治療。


  1. Hagag, Adel A., et al. “Study of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: 5 years retrospective Egyptian study.” Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-Immune, Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders) 18.2 (2018): 155-162.
  2. Youngster, Ilan, et al. “Medications and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: an evidence-based review.” Drug safety 33 (2010): 713-726.


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